February 10, 2024
America/Denver timezone

W1AW/0 Colorado Planning and Operations

Feb 10, 2024, 9:35 AM


Chris Keller


During 2023, the ARRL hosted the Volunteers On The Air event, and one of the programs run under that banner was the "W1AW portable" event. Each ARRL section was invited for two one-week intervals to operate as "W1AW portable," the ARRL club callsign, on as many bands and modes as possible.

We'll discuss two aspects of the Colorado section's planning and ops effort: the scheduling tool, and the use of Discord for real-time coordination. We built a custom software scheduling tool to help operators see ahead of time what was available, who would be working the bands around them, etc. Then, we centered on the Discord instant messaging platform for in-the-moment coordination, for example, when one band had rough conditions and the operator wanted to move to a different band.

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